Relentless Pursuit- Sheri Briggs
This podcast will cover all topics related to my book Relentless Pursuit- God's Gentle Guidance Amidst The Storm; faith, grief, ministry, family and the miraculous. I will be talking to different people who will be sharing their experience, strength and hope around each of these topics. I pray this podcast and these testimonies will encourage your heart to trust God -whether you are in a storm, or on a mountain top, or walking through a valley.... He is always there and relentlessly pursuits your heart.sheribriggs.com
Podcasting since 2023 • 42 episodes
Relentless Pursuit- Sheri Briggs
Latest Episodes
Melanie and Bruce- Powerful Sibling Bond and a Fight of Faith that Leads to Freedom
"I was reaching for my meth pipe, when God was reaching for me." This is an amazing story of God's relentless pursuit of Melanie and a brother's love and tireless pursuit to see his sister set free.Melanie shares...

A Prayer To Start the Year- A Prayer of Recollection
I have taken a beautiful prayer that Karin Esselstrom read over us in my latest podcast- Karin's Journey, and put it here for you to listen to. I encourage you to get in a quiet place, where you can allow yourself to rest and let this prayer wa...

Karin's Journey; A Valley of Trouble, Becomes A Door Of Hope, Where Many Find Refuge
Join me in a transparent, rich and informative conversation with Karin Esselstrom- Karin has been a missionary, living in communities experiencing poverty for nearly 38 years. She is a master training facilitator with Trauma Healing Institute, ...

Big Lew- God's Relentless Pursuit Through Addiction, Homelessness, Relapse and Into Victory!
Big Lew is a volunteer at Bridge of Hope San Diego. He is 70 years old and has just celebrated 4 years of sobriety.This is a story of a man who was bound to addiction from the time he was 13 years old. He was a victim of childhood sexual ab...

Mental Health- A Real And Raw Conversation With Matt Kirk Part 2
My conversation with Matt was so insightful, I knew we needed to do another one! On this podcast, Matt shares from his own faith and experience, on the topic of mental health. Matt has become very passionate about the topic of mental health bec...