Relentless Pursuit- Sheri Briggs
This podcast will cover all topics related to my book Relentless Pursuit- God's Gentle Guidance Amidst The Storm; faith, grief, ministry, family and the miraculous. I will be talking to different people who will be sharing their experience, strength and hope around each of these topics. I pray this podcast and these testimonies will encourage your heart to trust God -whether you are in a storm, or on a mountain top, or walking through a valley.... He is always there and relentlessly pursuits your heart.sheribriggs.com
Relentless Pursuit- Sheri Briggs
Melanie and Bruce- Powerful Sibling Bond and a Fight of Faith that Leads to Freedom
"I was reaching for my meth pipe, when God was reaching for me."
This is an amazing story of God's relentless pursuit of Melanie and a brother's love and tireless pursuit to see his sister set free.
Melanie shares what happened in her early childhood, coupled with a painful divorce, which lead to her addiction to Crystal Meth and becoming homeless on the streets of San Diego for ten brutal and very dark years. Melanie shares about the realities of being on the streets- bound by shame, guilt and abuse that drove her deeper into darkness, leaving her feeling completely unworthy of love.
Her brother Bruce shares about the tension between hope and hopelessness during the time his sister was bound in her addiction, while remaining anchored by the constant reassurance of God's love for his sister. That love not only carried her while she was living outside, but gave him and their family the courage to persevere and believe for Melanie's return.
In this podcast you will hear their story of God's great love and faithfulness to pull Melanie out of the mire, placing her on the rock of His love. You will also hear about Bruce's fearlessness and fight for his sister's freedom and the tender love Melanie and Bruce have for each other.
They also share important insight that will help us understand what those who are struggling in addiction and living outside are facing and feeling everyday.
Melanie and Bruce hope their story can help others find the courage to make life changing decisions and for family members to stay in the fight. They are also in the beginning stages of starting a non-profit to create sober living spaces for individuals transitioning out of recovery programs.
If you would like to know more about sober living spaces, or would like to reach out to Melanie and Bruce you can do so at: