Relentless Pursuit- Sheri Briggs

Karin's Journey; A Valley of Trouble, Becomes A Door Of Hope, Where Many Find Refuge

Sheri Briggs

Join me in a transparent, rich and informative conversation with Karin Esselstrom- Karin has been a missionary, living in communities experiencing poverty for nearly 38 years. She is a master training facilitator with Trauma Healing Institute, holds certifications in Life and Mental Health Coaching with AACC, and a certified coach with the Clear Thinking Method through Clear Thinking Solutions.
Karin shares her own journey, that began at a time of crisis and developed into a deep intimacy with God. Karin cried out to God in a time of deep loneliness, and He spoke to her from the book of Hosea. This is where her journey of truly knowing God's love began; God being a Father who isn't waiting for her to mess up-but a Father of love, grace, mercy and healing. Over the years, this and many other revelations about heart wounds and the healing process, has led her to help others and equip and train others how to hold space and become a place of rest for those who are struggling with the effects of trauma and grief and for those who are hurting.

Karin will teach us and walk us through a Clear Thinking exercise that is incredibly helpful when dealing with tension and triggers. She also leads us in a powerful prayer, that has been hugely instrumental in Karin's life. You will want to do this on your own over and over again (I know I do)-It is called 'A Prayer of Reconciliation'.

If you would like to get in touch with Karin, you can reach her at: