Relentless Pursuit- Sheri Briggs

Big Lew- God's Relentless Pursuit Through Addiction, Homelessness, Relapse and Into Victory!

Sheri Briggs

Big Lew is a volunteer at Bridge of Hope San Diego. He is 70 years old and has just celebrated 4 years of sobriety.
This is a story of a man who was bound to addiction from the time he was 13 years old. He was a victim of childhood sexual abuse and poverty. He lived in and out of programs, hospitals, and lived outside for over 27 years. At 66 years old, he cried out to God and fully surrendered. He said, "God set me free at that moment from the desire for crystal meth and everything else that kept me in bondage and shame."
Today Lew is actively involved in his recovery and other people's recovery, his church, and is a faithful and hard working volunteer at Bridge of Hope.
This is a story of HOPE! that says- No matter how many times a person may fall, or feel like they will never change or experience victory, Lew's story tells us differently. Lew has gone from saying, "Drug addiction is my life." to "I am truly living now and learning for the first time what it means to be a man... A man of God."
*This interview is not suitable for young children.